Sandra Lean-Leighton
Presenting “Adventures of a Supervet Tech” a one-woman comedy about veterinary technicians.
For the first 20 years of my working life I was an actress, writer and theatrical producer. For the past 20 years, I have had the privilege of being a Registered Veterinary Technician.
A vet tech is a veterinary nurse but so much more than that. We are trained professionals who do x-rays, lab work, small surgeries, ultrasounds, medications and animal hospital administration. We work in large and small animal clinics, shelters, research labs, racetracks, wildlife facilities. Anywhere there are animals, we are there.
And nobody knows who we are or what we do. It is my mission to change that.!
So, I have decided to meld my two careers and I’ve written a one-woman comedy about being a Registered Veterinary Technician entitled “Adventures of a SuperVet Tech”.
We vet techs are the unsung heroes of the veterinary world and I aim to raise the public profile of this profession by sharing stories of what really goes on “Behind the Furry Curtain”.
It’s a wonderful world in which to work; zany, poignant, heart-warming, bizarre and at times tragic. It takes a very special person to withstand the hard work, and emotional and physical demands of the job. But for those of us who do it, we wouldn’t change it for the world. It is to these fabulous people, my fellow vet techs, that I wish to pay tribute.
Please join me do just that with “Adventures of a SuperVet Tech”. You’re guaranteed to learn a thing or two about the world of veterinary medicine and have a good laugh at the same time.
For further information contact:
Sandra Lean-Leighton