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SuperVet Tech Returns! Special price for veterinary workers…….

croppedShe’s coming back! And the hard-working workers at vet clinics get a special deal! On the heels of a successful Canadian Tour and after gaining rave reviews at the Toronto Fringe Festival 2015, “Adventures of a SuperVet Tech” returns to Toronto for 2 shows only at the Red Sandcastle Theatre, 922 Queen St. East, (at Logan), Thursday June 2nd and Friday June 3rd at 7:30pm. Prices are $20.00Adults, $15.00 Students, Seniors and Veterinary Staff Members. For reservations please call 416- 845-9411.

Don’t miss this ground-breaking show, a first for the veterinary world.


New Show- Algonquin College-Ottawa on April 1st …..”No Foolin”

Dynamic Duo

THIS JUST IN!!!!!!!!
The DYNAMIC DUO of Writer/Performer Sandra Lean-Leighton and Producer/Technician Pauline Tetley are going on tour with “Adventures of a SuperVet Tech” to 3 Ontario Colleges in 10 days; Ridgetown College March 30th, Algonquin College, Ottawa April 1st and St. Lawrence College, Kingston, April 8th. As always, this has fun written all over it.


Photo from Adventure of a Supervet Tech


In the Toronto Fringe show Adventures of a Supervet Tech, Sandra Lean-Leighton shares tales from over two decades as a Veterinary Technician. This is a zany, energetic show that packs a few unexpectedly emotional punches. This marriage of Lean-Leighton’s rich background in theatre with the colourful experiences she’s had as a vet tech aims to shed some light on a valuable but underappreciated profession. As she puts it, she takes audiences ‘beyond the furry veil.’

Sandra Lean-Leighton spent the first two decades of her career in performance, finding opportunities in Canada and internationally, both behind-the-scenes and as an actor. She founded Lilliput Productions, a children’s theatre company for which she wrote, performed, and produced a number of successful shows.

Lean-Leighton really gives it her all in this multimedia show, and is unflappable onstage. She’s a confident and warm performer, and able to charm. These are skills she likely honed in children’s theatre, and they work just as well here.
Indeed, I could see this show playing well to a wide range of ages, so long as audience members are prepared for some gross-out humour and frank discussion of male reproductive equipment.
If you require your theatre to be Very Serious and Cerebral, this isn’t for you. Lean-Leighton wears a superhero costume for much of the show, and there are plenty of goofy moments. However, if you’re willing to go with the flow and have some fun, there are laughs to be had as well as things to learn!
There are also brow-raising tales, particularly when Lean-Leighton reveals a few of the stranger behaviours exhibited by the more eccentric pet owners she’s encountered. She’s never cruel, however. In fact, there are some poignant moments as she discusses death, dignity, compassion and pain in an understated way that is quietly moving.
I wasn’t sure what to expect from the show, but Lean-Leighton won me over with her charisma and commitment. She’s not afraid of a little razzle-dazzle, and I couldn’t help but grin in response. It’s clear she loves what she does – the acting as well as her work with animals – and that adds something undeniable to this show.
Mooney on Theatre
More reviews……
 Adventures of a SuperVet Tech is a delightful production which exceeded my expectations. It is a passionate, entertaining and inspiring work. Some surprises: the amount of technology used in the field by a vet tech; the pathos evoked in the segment about euthanasia, which had a very personal aspect to it; and the description of the  CRAZY (her word) pet owners encountered. Fast moving, creative, and a great piece of theatre. Thank you Sandra for your WORK!!    Joan S. Toronto
And Another!
The show  re-ignited my student’s passion for the profession and  she felt much more confident in moving forward with pride and excitement.  She wanted to make sure that we knew how helpful the show was to her and thanked us for arranging your visit. I think that is proof-positive that you are achieving your goal of encouraging and inspiring these students! I was watching the students (and our staff) through the show, and lots of smiling, nodding and genuine enjoyment was evident!
Diane Boyle DVM Douglas College, Coquitlam, B.C.


Personal Profile on Vet Tech Prep Website

My Vet Tech Story: Sandra Lean-Leighton RVT

by Lori HehnDecember 4, 2015 at 8:00 AM

This month we are featuring veterinary technician Sandra Lean-Leighton, RVT! Sandra has a very unique story and we are honored that she is sharing with us. She is previous actress who became a veterinary technician and now does a “Adventures of a Super Vet Tech” Show. Her story is sure to make you smile!

VTP:  When did you become a vet tech and how has your experience evolved into what it is today?

SL-L:  After 20 years in the performing arts as an actress, writer and producer, I made the best decision I ever made, to go into veterinary technology. I attended Seneca College in King City, Ontario. I worked in different small animal clinics for 2 years, then established my company Vet Tech Support Services being a locum veterinary technician in over 40 different veterinary clinics in the Toronto area. My work has taken me from “Vet to the Stars,” caring for the pets of the rich and famous, to an ER referral clinic, working in dermatology and neurology, to shelter medicine at the Toronto Humane Society, one of the largest shelters in North America. I love the variety and challenge of meeting new people and learning a vast array of different veterinary approaches and techniques.

Two years ago I decided to combine my two careers. I’ve written a one-woman comedy about my experiences as a vet tech. I’ve been performing my show “Adventures of a SuperVetTech” for the vet industry and the general public as a motivation vehicle for vet techs and to raise the public profile of our profession. I am currently touring vet tech colleges and conferences and in July 2015 did a 7 show run at the Toronto Fringe Festival. The response has been amazing. I couldn’t be happier.

sandrafuzzy.jpegVTP: What do you do at work? Tell me about a funny part of your show

SL-L: A section of my show talks about getting a semen sample from a Pomeranian, wrestling a cormorant with a broken wing and treating gunshot wounds on a hound dog. Dealing with the “Peculiar Quirks” of various pet owners is also highlighted. We love the owners, but sometimes they come out with great lines like, “My female dog can’t be pregnant, my male dog is gay!!” or, “Do you have group rates for cremations? I have 23 dead cats in my freezer.” My personal favorite is, “I’ve installed a window in my freezer and “Fluffy” is sitting on a lovely pillow looking out. She says hello.”

VTP:  How do you cope with job-related stress?

SL-L:  Being a vet tech is very stressful and the chance of burn-out is always there. I try to keep my sense of humor. That is one of the most important elements to working in this field. If you can’t laugh at some of the bizarre things that we are asked to do, you’re dead in the water. It’s also very physical work so I keep in shape by bicycling. It helps me clear my head and gives me a good workout.

VTP:  What pets to you have?

SL-L:  I’m a cat person. I just have one cat currently, Redley, a rescue case, of course. He came to me with chronic stomatitis and after unsuccessful treatment, it was decided to pull all of his teeth. What a miraculous change for him! For the first time he is pain free, he plays, grooms and has a new lease on life. It makes me feel better about having to do drastic extractions on my patients. Through my experiences with my own animals, cancer, diabetes, or poisoning, it gives me an opportunity to see the veterinary world through an owner’s eyes. It helps me remember that this animal is loved and cherished by its owners, just as I adore my pets. It raises the stakes.

VTP:  What is it about being a vet tech that makes you happy and feel valued?

SL-L: I have to admit, I have a special place in my heart for shelter medicine. When an animal comes to us in physical or mental distress, I love to watch the miraculous change; my favorite thing is the release of that animal to its new owners. I always look to the animal and say, “This is the luckiest day of your life,” and I know it’s true. Also I love cat abscesses, so juicy and easily fixed and I love cystocentesis, liquid gold!


VTP:  Any words of wisdom for those preparing to be a vet tech or are considering this as a future job?

SL-L: I can’t tell you how proud I am to be a veterinary technician. As a right-brained artsy-fartsy, I am in awe of the talented and dedicated people with whom I share the initials RVT. They constantly amaze and inspire me. My advice to vet techs is to bite the bullet, take the VTNE, and join this challenging world as a true professional. In the future, as this vocation gets the recognition it so rightly deserves with the general public, it will pave the way for better pay and better working conditions. Our vet tech associations are working very hard for that very thing. And of course, never…ever…lose you sense of humor!!

We veterinary technicians, with the combination of our skills, experience and “Supersensitivities,” that makes us all SuperVet Techs.

For more information about Sandra and “Adventures of a SuperVet Tech” please visit her website link or contact her at

Do you have a unique story or would you like to share your vet tech experiences?

We will continue to do a monthly “My Vet Tech Story” piece to help inspire students or others who are considering this as a career or are interested in learning more about what vet techs do.

About Lori Hehn

Lori Hehn is a practicing veterinarian and a contributor and content manager with XPrep Learning Solutions. She has a drive for continual learning and enjoys interacting with veterinary and vet tech students. She also writes veterinary learning books for children.

Win/Win Show and Fundraiser at Douglas College

It was a win/win situation at Douglas College, Oct 8th as Sandra Lean-Leighton presented her hilarious theatrical production “Adventures of a SuperVet Tech”. Not only presented as a motivational show for vet tech students, the public were also invited to share in the fun and proceeds from the ticket sales went to a very worthy cause, the VTEC Fund for student bursaries and extra equipment for the program.

Below are testimonies by the staff of Douglas College………

“Thank you so much for coming and for an inspiring show for the students.  I thought it was very well done. I shared with you the story of the student that had been looking quite downhearted earlier in the day and had come to my office to share her frustration in her own performance and lack of motivation.  She was questioning whether she had chosen the right path, and if what she was feeling meant she should quit school. ….. She sought me out after the performance and was smiling from ear to ear.  She told me that the show had re-ignited her passion for the profession and that she felt much more confident in moving forward with pride and excitement.  She wanted to make sure that we knew how helpful the show was to her and thanked us for arranging your visit. I think that is proof-positive that you are achieving your goal of encouraging and inspiring these students! I was watching the students (and our staff) through the show, and lots of smiling, nodding and genuine enjoyment was evident!”
Diane Boyle DVM Faculty Douglas College

“We were able to raise a little over $400 to donate to the VTEC Trust Fund – a nice bonus to cap off a great evening.”
Brian Chapell, Dean Veterinary Technology Program, Douglas College

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