As Registered Veterinary Technicians, we are often asked to perform unusual tasks. This is just one of them.
Archive for Video
“In the Beginning”
Here Sandra explains the difficulties mixing an acting career with veterinary technology. The result is hilarious and poignant.
RVTs – the video
I’m delighted to share an excerpt from the show entitled “RVTs”, my tribute to this wonderful profession. I compare it to my other career as an actress, discuss the ups and downs of this job along with interesting statistics and tell why this is a great time to be a SuperVet Tech.
I also relate the death of my sister, Linda, to this experience.
So many members of the public have come up to me after the show and said, “Thank you so much, I have an old cat and I’ve been so afraid of what’s going to happen. I’m not afraid anymore “.
This re-enforces my belief that a euthanasia done well can be beautiful thing. Please share this with anyone who may be helped with facing such a difficult decision.
The Choice – Video excerpt from the show
So delighted to present an excerpt from “Adventures of a SuperVet Tech” entitled “The Choice”. This is an inspirational and motivational piece paying tribute to my fellow Veterinary Technicians. Enjoy!
My Vets : A Tribute
Adventures of a SuperVet Tech Promo Video
“Believe it” Video

This is an important excerpt from the show called “Believe It; Behind the Furry Curtain”. It has had over 8,000 Youtube hits and has been shared by thousands of Registered Veterinary Technicians around the world. I’m very proud of it. Enjoy!